Services > Specialist Forensic Service > 3D Crime Scene Modelling
See also:
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Archaeology
Spatial Analysis and Mapping Service
Walkover Survey
Archaeological Excavation
3D Digital Body Reconstruction
Soil Botany Pollen
Bones ID
Please note: this is a 3D representation of a simulated burial containing plastic human remains.
Accurate and detailed records are essential to support interpretations made during crime-scene examinations. Clear and coherent imagery is a vital component of such records and allows the police, the court, and other experts, to understand the physical character of the crime scene without visiting it in person. The ability to inspect the scene remotely can also allow initial interpretations to be reviewed, modified, and enhanced, particularly if further information becomes available after the scene attendance.
We use photogrammetry to produce digital 3D models of scenes or areas of interest of any size, ranging from vast outdoor landscapes to closely defined areas, such as clandestine burial sites. These are fully scaled and measurable and allow an immersive and realistic reconstruction of the scene. The 3D models have a rich photo-real appearance, without the grainy or speckled quality that some forms of digital modelling produce, and are true representations of the scene, rather than artificial CGI interpretations.