Services > Specialist Forensic Service
See also:
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Archaeology
Spatial Analysis and Mapping Service
Walkover Survey
Archaeological Excavation
3D Crime Scene Modelling
3D Digital Body Reconstruction
Soil Botany Pollen
Bones ID
Cellmark Specialist Forensic Services are delivered by some of the most experienced Forensic Anthropologists and Archaeologists in the UK. They work with UK and international law enforcement agencies, coroners and the military to provide expert assistance in a variety of investigations ranging from searches for people who are missing, presumed murdered, through to disasters with multiple fatalities.
Our Expertise and Experience
Working in collaboration with specialist forensic environmental scientists, the team provides expertise in criminal cases involving:
The team is highly experienced in large and complex investigations, regularly conducting examinations in challenging environments. Our scientists can help to ensure that vital forensic evidence is maximised in the investigation of:
The team also assists with post-mortem examinations at mortuaries and regularly undertakes laboratory examinations in collaboration with experts from other disciplines (including forensic biology, chemistry, marks and traces ballistics, environmental sciences).
How can Cellmark Specialist Forensic Service assist?
In addition to forensic anthropology and archaeology, we also work with a team of specialist environmental scientists who undertake disciplines such as forensic botany, soil analysis, diatoms, entomology and isotope analysis. We are not only experienced at collecting samples for our environmental science partners but will work with investigators from the stage of evidence recovery through to analysis to ensure that these and other evidence types are used to their full potential.
Here is a small selection of the types of cases that we can assist with:
Bones are often found by members of the public or during police-led searches. In the majority of cases, our forensic anthropologists can rapidly establish if any bones or fragments of bone are human or non-human. Using our Bones ID service, the police can send photographs to us for rapid assessment
We provide advice free of charge on the recommended next stage, such as a scene examination or laboratory examination.
Establishing the identity of a deceased person is key to Coronial and criminal investigations. Early involvement of Cellmark's Forensic Anthropologists at scene and post-mortem examination are especially important for cases involving decomposed, burnt and skeletalised remains.
Our anthropologists and archaeologists can ensure that human remains and associated evidence is recorded and recovered as effectively as possible, potentially enabling a wide range of questions to be addressed:
Potential targets can be identified at ground level through a combination of archaeological field-craft, searches by dogs, and geophysics. Targets can then be examined through archaeological excavation.
Involvement of our archaeologists from the earliest stage ensures that such features can be assessed and the appropriate level of examination undertaken. This can range from non-invasive techniques (field craft, geo-physical survey, search dogs), to controlled archaeological excavation.
A range of archaeological and ecological search techniques can be employed to narrow down large search areas, working in partnership with other search specialists and co-ordinating with POLSAs. A huge range of data and information can be integrated and analysed to provide prioritised targets for search at ground level.
Read more about our Spatial Analysis and Mapping Service (SAMS).
As experts in Osteology (the study of the skeleton and bones) our forensic anthropologists can provide additional skills to augment those provided by the forensic pathologist.
Cellmark forensic anthropologists and archaeologists can advise on the most appropriate method(s) to estimate time since death. Expert opinion can be provided from examination of the remains and from the interpretation of the chronological sequence of events that occurred at the deposition site (for example, if the bones are situated below a medieval floor). They can also advise on other areas of specialism that might assist, such as insect activity, plant growth, accumulation of soils and other materials, and radiocarbon dating.
By examining scans (radiographs or CT), a forensic anthropologist can provide an estimated age for a living individual.
Cellmark forensic archaeologists and anthropologists can advise on the case-specific legal and practical requirements to undertake exhumation.
Anthropological examination in collaboration with our specialist DNA analysis provides the optimal process for a successful identification.
At Cellmark, we facilitate and co-ordinate specialist DVI teams trained in scene recording, reconstruction and interpretation, victim recovery, examination and identification. Cellmark’s anthropology and archaeology team have been involved in numerous complex and challenging DVI incidents, working to national and international DVI standards and alongside many internationally recognised organisations.
We maximise the reconciliation of remains, their identification, and the interpretation of their manner of death.
Our forensic anthropologists and archaeologists can assist in the systematic search, recording and recovery of human remains that are often highly disrupted, burnt, fragmented and commingled.
Training Courses