DNA Services


DNA Services Crime Stain DNA

DNA Services Major Crime DNA

DNA Services Massively Parallel Sequencing

DNA Services High Sensitivity DNA

DNA Services Mitochondrial DNA

DNA Services Y-STR Profiling

DNA Services ID Secure

Forensic Casework

Forensic Casework Scene Attendance

Forensic Casework Sexual Offence Service

Forensic Casework Cold Case Review

Forensic Casework Blood Pattern Analysis

Forensic Casework Fibres

Forensic Casework Fire Investigation

Forensic Casework Forensic Footwear Analysis

Forensic Casework Forensic Glass Analysis

Forensic Casework Gunshot Residue GSR

Forensic Casework Hair

Forensic Casework Forensic Paint Analysis

Forensic Casework Tools and Toolmarks

Forensic Casework Tyres and Tyre marks

Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)
Specialist Forensic Service (SFS)

Specialist Forensic Service Forensic Anthropology

Specialist Forensic Service Forensic Archaeology

Specialist Forensic Service Spatial Analysis and Mapping Service (SAMS)

Specialist Forensic Service UAVs: Aerial Remote Sensing

Specialist Forensic Service Walkover Survey

Specialist Forensic Service Archaeological Excavation

Specialist Forensic Service 3D Crime Scene Modelling

Specialist Forensic Service Diatoms

Specialist Forensic Service 3D Digital Body Reconstruction

Specialist Forensic Service Entomology

Specialist Forensic Service Soils, Botany and Pollen

Specialist Forensic Service Bones ID

Forensic Toxicology
Wildlife Forensics
Forensic Training Services
SARC Support Service

Services > Forensic Casework > Sexual Offence Service

Sexual Offence Service

See also:
Scene Attendance Cold Case Review Blood Pattern Analysis Fibres Fire Investigation Footwear Glass Gunshot Residue Hair Paint Tools and Toolmarks Tyres Tyremarks

Developed by working with some of the UK’s most experienced sexual assault investigation teams

Announcing a one day conference for police investigators, forensic medical practitioners and prosecutors
Unlocking Forensic Potential in Rape and Sexual Offence Cases find out more

Cellmark's Sexual Offences Service combines traditional forensic expertise with new and innovative approaches to solving crime. By working with some of the UK’s most experienced rape and sexual assault police investigation teams, we have developed an approach that combines a rapid, responsive service, with technology innovation that has pushed the boundaries of detection sensitivity.

At Cellmark, we specialise in the forensic investigation of rape and sexual assault cases which can be some of the most difficult criminal cases to prosecute. We have developed a specialist service incorporating a number of advanced forensic techniques that have been developed or validated at Cellmark to improve evidence recovery, detection sensitivity and the interpretation of forensic results.

At the core of our analytical approach is Cellmark’s proprietary 'Sperm Elution' technique that provides a significant improvement in the recovery of sperm cells from forensic exhibits compared to traditional approaches, and has changed the expectation of recovering sperm, and therefore DNA, from samples taken in the days after 'the alleged assault'.

Through our experienced lead scientists, we provide innovative approaches to strategy evaluation, search and examination of exhibits, presumptive body fluid testing, autosomal and Y-STR DNA analysis, forensic toxicology, as well as providing access to an extensive range of other forensic techniques and services to advance the investigation.

Training Courses

Forensic Investigation and Opportunities in Sexual Offences Cases

An Awareness Session for Police Investigators

Duration: 2.5 hours

Find out more about this course