Forensic Consultancy Services

Through our large team of experienced forensic staff, project consultants and partner scientists, Cellmark delivers a range of forensic consultancy services to police and government agencies in the UK and overseas.

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Revolutionising Laboratory Design

More than a decade ago Cellmark revolutionised the way that forensic laboratories were designed and built in the UK by introducing clean-room technology to assist with contamination control and to support the use of high sensitivity DNA analysis techniques. 

Our facilities comprise 9,000m² of total floor space including 3,500m² of laboratories. Our laboratories include seven different forensic cleanroom laboratory suites comprising 47 cleanroom laboratories, 17 GLP laboratories and two containment laboratories with level 2 and level 3 capability.  Each laboratory facility is designed for business continuity with suitable UPS and generator supplies installed where necessary.

Royal Bhutan Police Forensic Science Laboratory: In addition to overseeing the construction and validation of the laboratories, Cellmark provided onsite support for the DNA process validation, as well as additional DNA analysis training for the Royal Bhutan Police officers working in the laboratory. Read more . . .

Forensic Training Services

Bespoke Forensic Training Packages

In addition to laboratory design and building project consultancy, we offer bespoke forensic training packages in a number of scientific disciplines, as well as training, mentoring and support in achieving ISO quality accreditation.

Cellmark has considerable experience of designing and delivering a broad range of forensic awareness and crime scene recovery training to police and military customers in the UK, as well as to overseas law enforcement clients, and as part of UK university MSc degree courses.

Training Services

Infrastructure Consultancy

Forensic Consultancy Lab design model 1
Forensic Consultancy Lab design model 2
Forensic Consultancy Lab design model 3
Forensic Consultancy Lab design model 4

Cellmark offers extensive experience of constructing high specification forensic laboratories suitable for the delivery of evidence recovery and the provision of a range of forensic analytical services including high sensitivity DNA analysis. This covers the planning and design stage, project management (both onsite and remote) of the facilities installation, the commissioning of HVAC air handling systems, IT infrastructure and laboratory equipment, testing and validation sign-off for laboratory use, plus ongoing maintenance and monitoring to ensure that the facilities remain within specification.

Our History of Forensic Laboratory Construction

2004 DNA Crime Scene Stain laboratory
2005 High throughput DNA reference laboratory (mouth swab)
2006 Specialist high sensitivity DNA facility
2006 Design and oversight of 1,850m2 laboratory build
2007 Forensic Casework search laboratories 
2009 Forensic Casework search laboratories
2010 Chemistry and microscope laboratories
2010 Chemistry and biology search laboratories
2010 Forensic Casework search laboratories
2011 Toxicology lab build and additional search capacity
2011 Forensic Casework search laboratories and SEM room
2012 Forensic chemistry search laboratories 
2013 Forensic consultancy, design and validation for British Army
2014 Forensic reagent manufacturing and chemistry search laboratories
2015 International forensic consultancy, design and training project
2018 DNA Crime Scene Laboratory at the EMSOU Arrow Centre
2019 DNA Crime Scene Laboratory at Cellmark’s Chorley laboratory
2023 Royal Bhutan Police Forensic Science Laboratory